Save time in your morning routine with this Question of the Day BUNDLE that includes ten months of EDITABLE themed ask and answer questions, printable cards, slides, & booklets to help with taking attendance, student survey, or morning meeting activities. You'll have everything you need to implement a Question of the Day routine in your kindergarten, first grade, and second grade classroom!
⭐Create a question of the day bulletin board, pocket chart display, or designated area in the classroom where you can change the question each day and have your students use their name cards to display their answers for their classmates to see.
⭐The print-and-go, easy-to-prep question cards save you time and give you a fun way to start your day with a discussion.
⭐Encourage your students to build their questioning and reading comprehension skills by answering different questions that start with 'Are you, Do you, Can you, Did you, Would you' throughout the year.
⭐The fun, exciting questions are loved by students and help facilitate meaningful discussions by answering yes and no questions. Children will love sharing their opinions using the student booklets that are easy to print and a fun way to tie learning and home together.
- This bundle includes ten individual monthly themed question of the day resources.
Each month includes 24 EDITABLE questions available in different sizes for use in a pocket chart, on a bulletin board, or as printable cards to fit your needs.
- 8 of the questions each month are general questions. For example, Do you have a brother?
- 16 of the questions each month are seasonal. For example, Do you ride the bus to school?
⭐Grab the bundle & SAVE $$$ - over 50% off!⭐️
♥♥ This Question of the Day BUNDLE is available at a DISCOUNTED PRICE. Get engaging, daily questions and low-prep materials to make your planning a breeze! ♥♥
*Check out the PREVIEW for an up-close look at all this MUST HAVE RESOURCE includes!
Included in this massive Question of the Day BUNDLE:
- Ten months of question of the day slides
- 240 EDITABLE question cards
- EDITABLE student name cards
- Both colored and black & white options
- Student booklet to record responses each month
- Beautiful, unique clipart
- Printable cards
- Pocket chart and bulletin board posters
- Optional digital display cards
- Original set of question cards featuring Melonheadz clipart
Themed Questions
There are 24 themed questions included for each month (That's 240 questions for the year!). There are questions about seasons, holidays, and more! Your students will love the engaging get-to-know-me questions!
Printable Cards
The questions are also available in small, printable cards for your convenience. Print the cards on cardstock, laminate and attach the cards with Velcro to the included poster or hang them on a ring. Use the cards during morning meetings or transitions to connect with your students!
Student Response Booklet
Use the monthly booklets to have students record their answers to the questions each day. There is a spot for them to create their own at the end of each month. They will enjoy having their booklet to share with others!
Pocket Chart & Headers
Each question is also available in pocket chart length for you to use in your pocket chart. Switch them each day on the chart with ease. This offers an alternative way to organize and display your routine!
Months and Themes Included in this BUNDLE:
September Question of the Day - Back to School and All About Me theme
October Question of the Day - Halloween, Fall theme
November Question of the Day - Fall, Thanksgiving, and Peace theme
December Question of the Day - Winter Holidays and Christmas theme
January Question of the Day - Winter theme
February Question of the Day - Valentine's Day and Kindness theme
March Question of the Day - St. Patrick's Day, Basketball & Dr. Seuss theme
April Question of the Day - Easter, Spring, and Earth Day theme
May Question of the Day - Spring theme
June Question of the Day - End of School and Summer theme
Suggestions on how to use:
- This resource is ready to go! Simply download and unzip the folders. Open the PowerPoint file or PDF documents you want to use.
- Everything is EDITABLE if you wish to change any of the wording!
- Choose which question cards you'd like, edit, and print.
- Create a bulletin board or pocket chart display with your question.
- You can also open the file on Google Slides and present the questions.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Easy Teaching Tools says, "How creative and fun is this product! What a great way to get students talking! This will be a perfect "May Do" Center in our classroom. I wouldn't change anything about this product. I love all of your stuff!"
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rebecca F. says, "The question of the day cards help us learn more about each other, and they enjoy answering the questions! This also helps to foster a sense of classroom community as we get to know more about each other."
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Catherine M. says, "This was very helpful in finding questions to ask each day. This was the student's favorite part of the day and they were all listening for the question."
⭐️ Grab the bundle & SAVE ⭐️
♥♥The Question of the Day BUNDLE is a great way to grab all the months and SAVE money! Get an entire year's worth of themed questions (240 EDITABLE question cards, posters, & booklets included) to make using the question of the day resource a breeze in your classroom! ♥♥
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© Copyright Proud to be Primary, Elyse Rycroft. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to copy pages specifically designed for student or teacher use by the original purchaser or licensee. This product is licensed for personal classroom use ONLY unless multiple licenses are purchased. The reproduction, alteration, adaptation, copying, or sale of any part of this product is strictly prohibited. Read the full Terms and Conditions HERE.