Numbers to 20 - First Grade Mindful Math
Numbers to 20 - First Grade Mindful Math
Numbers to 20 - First Grade Mindful Math
Numbers to 20 - First Grade Mindful Math
Numbers to 20 - First Grade Mindful Math

Numbers to 20 - First Grade Mindful Math

Sale price$14.50

Numbers to 20 is a 225+ page unit that includes 10 lessons to teach the concepts related to counting and numbers from 11 to 20 (counting, matching, ordering, reading & writing numerals and number words, subitizing, using a chart & number line, comparing, and decomposing numbers). For the unit Numbers to 10 which covers numbers 1-10 click HERE.

It is a comprehensive, jam-packed, mind-focused math curriculum that provides teachers with EVERYTHING they need to teach first grade math with no need to supplement from other sources.

This is the first 225+ page unit included in Mindful Math for 1st grade.Check out the Mindful MATH First Grade Curriculum BUNDLE available at a HUGE discount NOW!


**Please note: This unit stands alone to teach the concept of numbers to 20. It does not need to be used with the rest of the Mindful Math curriculum.**

Check out a blog post HERE filled with ideas for using these activities!

A FEW of the ENGAGING & MINDS-ON activities included in Numbers to 20:
Tons of Differentiated Practice Printables
Math Journal Prompts
Task Cards
Quick Check Assessments
Number Formation Poems
Ten Frame Match Game
Number clip cards
Number order caterpillar
Place value puzzles
Number practice booklets
Number towers
I have, Who Has? game
Estimation station
Ordinal numbers

Mindful MATH has what teachers LOVE!
*Easy to implement lesson and activities.
*ALL lesson materials provided!
*Concept posters and detailed lesson plans provide important information!
*A variety of activities for every lesson (math games and centers) to keep
engagement high!
*Build math skills and develop fluency with math journals, task cards, mental math, and TONS of differentiated practice printables!

Teachers will create SUCCESS with all that is included with Mindful MATH!

Curriculum Map
A layout of the 10 units available in Mindful Math for First Grade.

Lesson Overview
An explanation of the parts of a lesson plan and how they can be used.

Unit Overview
A list of the 10 lessons included and what curriculum standards they cover with the US Common Core, as well as B.C.'s and Ontario's curriculum.

Lesson Plans
Mindful MATH lesson plans provide teachers with a detailed plan to follow from start to finish. Instructions for whole group lessons, individual practice, and follow up activities are given. Also included is lesson goals, vocabulary, questions to ask, material list, and book suggestions to match concepts.

Lesson Materials
All the extra materials needed for teaching a lesson and student practice are provided. Math manipulatives and tools, such as words, ten frames, number lines, are included to support students and the lesson.Chart pieces and concept posters are provided to support lesson instruction.

Warm-Up Task Cards
Mindful Math task cards are short math warm-up activities that students can complete independently. There are a variety of tasks that build on skills previously taught in other lessons to build fluency.

Journal Prompts
Mindful Math Journal Prompts are perfect for a warm-up activity, for extra practice, or for homework. Each prompt reviews the skills and concepts taught in the previous lesson. They make a great review activity and help build math understanding.

Mental Math
Mindful Math mental math cards are perfect for building mental math skills and quick recall of important math concepts. Mental math cards are provided and suggested to use as a whole group as a warm-up activity.

Practice Printables
Every lesson in Mindful Math includes at least 3 practice printable pages for students to complete independently following a lesson. The pages help build math skills and review important concepts. The pages range in difficulty to allow for differentiation.

Hands-On Activities (Math Centers and Games)
Each lesson includes a math game or activity, as well as a math center. The lesson plans and activity cards provide instructions on how to use.

Quick Checks & Post-Test (Assessments)
Mindful Math Quick Checks are assessments that can be performed after math lessons and practice. Each Quick Check includes a short activity for an individual or small group to complete and show to the teacher. A post-test for each lesson is included for more formal assessment. It also includes a template to keep track of student scores.

Supplemental Materials (Answer Key & Book List, & Canadian pages)
Answer keys are provided to help teachers assess and check the practice printable pages. A suggested book list is provided with children’s literature to help teach math concepts. Extra pages are provided for Canadian teachers with Canadian spelling and content (coins and money, for example).

Read THIS POST to learn more about Mindful Math. See a breakdown of what is included, how to use, implement, and organize it and read the frequently asked questions.

The Mindful MATH curriculum incorporates focused math learning opportunities and many components within each unit. The activities are hands-on and mind-on, meaning students are actively working on math and engaging their minds. Mindful Math lessons encourage different ways of thinking and representing math concepts.

Mindful MATH includes a variety of thoughtful lessons and activities to help meet the needs of learners and their learning styles. Students will have many opportunities to learn and practice new strategies and develop math fluency through whole group warm-ups and lessons, mental math, journals, centers, games, and more.

Mindful MATH was created to give teachers a comprehensive math curriculum that engaged minds and left students knowledgeable and fluent in math concepts.

The curriculum aligns to the U.S. Common Core standards. Numbers to 20 reviews Kindergarten Math standards and builds on to those skills with more challenges and rigor. It prepares First Grade students for future units that will cover First Grade standards.

Mindful Math also aligns to the Canadian math curriculum in British Columbia and Ontario, as well as many other math curriculum around the world (Curriculum standards are included and matched to lessons within the product). **EXTRA PAGES FOR CANADIAN CONTENT AND SPELLING ARE PROVIDED.**

Check out other first grade Mindful Math units:
Numbers to 10 First Grade
Addition to 10 First Grade
Subtraction to 10 First Grade
Graphing & Money First Grade
Numbers to 100 & 120 First Grade
Addition to 20 First Grade
Subtraction to 20 First Grade
Measurement & Time First Grade
Geometry & Fractions First Grade

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