Poem of the Week 1 - 22 poems for September to January
Poem of the Week 1 - 22 poems for September to January
Poem of the Week 1 - 22 poems for September to January
Poem of the Week 1 - 22 poems for September to January
Poem of the Week 1 - 22 poems for September to January
Poem of the Week 1 - 22 poems for September to January

Poem of the Week 1 - 22 poems for September to January

Sale price$9.00

This Poem of the Week resource includes 22 original poems to add to your collection of poems - Everything you will need to have an interactive poem of the week from September to January. There are also 6 differentiated activities included, as well as sentence strips and bulletin board banner. Your students will be reading and writing poetry all week long!

Use this poem of the week resource to teach poetry during distance learning and online with the digital activities for every poem!

**This resource NOW includes a digital Google Slides version for use in Google Classroom, as well as a PPT file for Microsoft Teams and images for Seesaw!**

22 Original Poems on the following topics:
September, The School Bus, Back to School, Apples, Pumpkins, 5 Senses, Colors, Counting to 10, Fall, Family, Thanksgiving, Skip Counting, Weather, Snow, Snowman, Winter, Santa, Christmas, New Year's, Healthy Eating.

This poem of the week pack resource includes:

  • 22 original poems
  • Poem of the Week or Month Banner (to hang above your poetry board or pocket chart)
  • Pocket chart strips for each poem

Every poem includes:
6 activities for each poem depending on your grade level and skill level of your kiddies (differentiated activities for Pre-K to grade 2).

  • a printable poem sheet
  • writing paper to copy the poem at a poetry center
  • two sheets with sentences of the poem to cut, reorder, & paste onto a separate sheet
  • poem with fill in the blanks
  • fill in the blanks and extra skill tasks with sight words, rhyming words, etc.
  • lots of places to illustrate the meaning of the poems
  • complete the parts of the poem

Look at the PREVIEW for an up-close look at what is included in a Poem of the Week resource. The video preview shows examples from the Poem of the Week resource in action.

How to Use the DIGITAL Poem of the Week Activities:

  • Teach and practice the class poem, while assigning virtual activities for students to complete throughout the week
  • Students will type onto colored text boxes with pre-formatted font and sizing or move interactive elements to show understanding (circles, highlight boxes)
  • Children can complete activities digitally after a whole class, small group, or one-on-one lesson
  • Beneficial for one-to-one classrooms
  • It can be used to further a child’s independent practice of reading skills: in the classroom or in a homeschool setting.

Comes with READY-FOR-YOU Google Slides, PowerPoint file, & images for Seesaw:

  • Comes with instructions for Google Classroom with Google Slides - You will receive a file with a link to create copies of the Google Slides to use in your Google Classroom.
  • Comes with instructions for using images in Seesaw, where you can edit an activity and add instructions for students to complete. Assign the activities using your Seesaw Classroom account, which is compatible with Chromebooks, computers, iPads, iPhones, Android tablets, Android phones, and Kindle Fire.
  • You will also receive a PowerPoint file that can be used as you see fit.

Interested in learning more about teaching poetry in primary? Join the FREE poetry e-course HERE!

Check out the Poem of the Week blog post HERE that includes details about teaching a weekly poem and how I used these resources in the classroom. It is full of photos in action!

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Poetry Writing Unit
Poem of the week pack #2
Poem of the week pack #3
Poem of the week pack #4 - Nursery Rhymes Edition

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© Copyright Proud to be Primary, Elyse Rycroft. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to copy pages specifically designed for student or teacher use by the original purchaser or licensee. This product is licensed for personal classroom use ONLY unless multiple licenses are purchased. The reproduction, alteration, adaptation, copying, or sale of any part of this product is strictly prohibited. Read the full Terms and Conditions HERE.