Teach important character education lessons with social emotional learning activities, worksheets, and lesson plans on emotions, self-regulation, growth mindset, empathy, friendship, kindness, responsibility, and respect. This Social Emotional Learning Curriculum includes 8 printable & digital units filled with third grade, fourth grade, and fifth gradeemotional awareness and social skills activities.
Want to build a peaceful classroom filled with respectful, confident, and kind children who can build relationships and communicate effectively? Then this curriculum is for YOU! Used in over 10 thousand classrooms by happy teachers worldwide (see the feedback and reviews).
⭐Grab the digital & print SEL 3-5 bundle & SAVE $$$ - 45% off!⭐️
This social-emotional learning BUNDLE gives you an entire YEAR’S WORTH of SEL lessons (40) and HUNDREDS of activities covering many important social-emotional topics to offer a well-rounded SEL program in your classroom! ♥♥
⭐Resources included the PRINTABLE mind+heart SEL Bundle:
Self-Awareness: identifying and communicating emotions; personality traits & personal strengths; role models.
Self-Management: self-regulation; mindfulness; handling difficult things; personal safety; impulse control.
Growth Mindset: fixed vs. growth mindset; the brain; self-efficacy & perseverance; goal setting.
Relationships: teacher-student relationships; communication skills; making and keeping friends; collaboration and teamwork.
Social Awareness: empathy; social cues & expectations; peer pressure; conflict resolution; anti-bullying.
Kindness: gratitude; generosity & giving; bucket filler system; random acts of kindness & projects.
Respect: integrity & honesty; appreciating differences; stereotyping.
Responsibility: decision making; identifying responsibilities; leadership.
⭐Some of the engaging PRINTABLE SEL activities older kids will enjoy!
- Thought Starters and Challenges
- Anchor Chart Discussions & brainstorming activities
- Posters
- Card, board, and other games
- Role Play activities & scenario cards
- Sorting activities
- Reflection journals
- Calm Down Kit
- Brain breaks, yoga poses, & breathing strategies
- Mentor texts & writing activities
- Kindness Calendars
- Banners
- Bulletin board kits
- Coloring posters
- Group and solo project ideas and templates
- Surveys and student self-assessments
- & so much more
PLUS Family Partnership Guides
Connect with and encourage families to participate in their child's social-emotional learning development and the concepts you teach at school. Each unit includes a printable guide with a letter to families, strategies and activities they can try at home, and a book guide with video links.
⭐Resources included the DIGITAL mind+heart SEL 3-5 Bundle:
Self-Awareness (emotions, self-esteem, personality traits, role models)
Self-Management & Mindfulness
Growth Mindset & SMART Goal Setting
Friendship & Relationships
Social Awareness: Empathy, Peer Pressure, Conflict Resolution, Bullying
Kindness, Gratitude, & Bucket Filling
Respect, Honesty & Integrity, & Stereotyping
Responsibility, Leadership, & Decision Making
⭐Some of the engaging & interactive DIGITAL SEL activities older kids will enjoy!
- Thought Starters & Challenges
- Digital anchor charts
- Posters
- Board & card games
- Scenario cards
- Projects
- Sorting activities
- Reflection Journals
- Daily & Weekly Check-In charts
- Idea cards
- Interactive activities
- Tons of Videos (safe links)
- Mentor texts & response activities
- & so much more!
Comes with READY-FOR-YOU Google Slides & Interactive PowerPoint files!
✅Check out the preview for a closer look at what this resource provides: the lesson plans, interactive activities, games, posters, and more.
DISCLAIMER: The video links to the read-alouds and supplemental lesson content are subject to change at any time. Proud to be Primary is not the creator of these videos, and therefore the links may be removed by the creators or authors of the content at any time at their discretion. If you find a broken link in this resource, please take a SCREENSHOT of the exact page and email us at support@proudtobeprimary.com with the screenshot, name of unit/lesson, and page #. We will do our best to try and fix the link. In the meantime, try searching YouTube for an alternate video to watch instead.
WHY this is the ONE SEL resource you need to teach kids SEL!
✔️Each unit's lessons and activities can be extended to cover your SEL time for a month!
✔️This flexible SEL curriculum can be taught when teachers have time.
✔️Facilitate meaningful discussions and activities that build important social-emotional skills and grow the classroom community.
✔️Save time as the planning is done for you.
✔️This is research-based and follows the CASEL framework for SEL.
✔️Works great for morning meetings or end of the day lessons, for school counselors, classroom teachers, and in a homeschool setting.
Want to learn more about the mind+heart curriculum? Read this blog post about the features included in this curriculum, q & a, and other important details.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Lisa C. says, "What an amazing resource and it is so comprehensive. It is exactly what I needed and my students really enjoy this. I love how organized it is and how easy it is to use. Thank you so much for making my life and job so much easier."
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Heidi C. says, "My students love this resource. We are able to use it for in-depth conversations about things that are bothering them; we can then brainstorm ideas for them to use to help cope with different situations. This resource presents the ideas in a fun and interactive way, and it is designed to meet the needs of every type of student. Highly recommend."
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Corey P. says, "Loved the scenarios and variety this unit has. Great social emotional morning meeting ideas."
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