Social Emotional Learning, Social Skills, Character Education SEL Curriculum K-5
Social Emotional Learning, Social Skills, Character Education SEL Curriculum K-5
Social Emotional Learning, Social Skills, Character Education SEL Curriculum K-5
Social Emotional Learning, Social Skills, Character Education SEL Curriculum K-5
Social Emotional Learning, Social Skills, Character Education SEL Curriculum K-5
Social Emotional Learning, Social Skills, Character Education SEL Curriculum K-5
Social Emotional Learning, Social Skills, Character Education SEL Curriculum K-5

Social Emotional Learning, Social Skills, Character Education SEL Curriculum K-5

Sale price$122.69 Regular price$188.75
Save $66.06

The mind + heart Social Emotional Learning Curriculum BUNDLE includes 8 units for K-2 and 8 units for 3-5 (That's 80+ detailed character education LESSONS) filled with hands-on and mindful activities that encourage children in Kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, and fifth grade to build important social skills and emotional awareness.

Teach children the most important life lessons when they need them with units and activities on emotions and self-awareness, self-regulation, growth mindset, empathy and social awareness, friendship, kindness, respect, and responsibility.

Want to build a peaceful classroom filled with respectful, confident, and kind children that can build relationships and communicate effectively? Then this curriculum is for YOU! Used in over 10 thousand classrooms by happy teachers worldwide (see the feedback and reviews below).

BUY the K-5 bundle for 35% OFF

This social-emotional learning K-5 BUNDLE combines the K-2 SEL curriculum and the 3-5 curriculum into one bundle. It gives you an entire YEAR’S WORTH of SEL lessons (80+) and HUNDREDS of activities covering many important social-emotional topics all kids need to learn and practice.

↑↑↑ Look at the PREVIEW for the mind+heart SEL BUNDLE up close, the individual units included, and the variety of lessons and activities included!↑↑↑

WHY this is the ONE Social-Emotional Learning curriculum you need to teach kids!

  • This ONE SEL curriculum is all you need to teach kids foundational and important social-emotional skills in kindergarten through 3rd grade!
  • Use each lesson and follow-up activities to cover a week of SEL instruction any time of year.
  • The curriculum easily extends to an entire year of SEL instruction.
  • Facilitate meaningful discussions and keep kids engaged in important activities that build social and emotional skills and grow your classroom community.
  • You will save time as the planning is done for you.
  • Aligns to CASEL & other SEL standards and covers the most important lessons kids need!
  • You will have ALL the materials you need to successfully teach (no need to supplement) SEL!

What units are included in the mind+heart SEL K-2 curriculum?

  1. Emotions: Identifying and labeling; What causes emotions; Expressing emotions; Labelling experiences.
  2. Self-Management: self-regulation & ways to calm down; self-control, and self-esteem.
  3. Growth Mindset: fixed vs. growth mindset; the elastic brain; effort & perseverance; failure, mistakes & challenges.
  4. Relationships: communication - listening & speaking; friendship; teamwork & cooperation; sharing & taking turns.
  5. Social Awareness: how feelings & behaviors affect others; developing & displaying empathy; building a community of compassion.
  6. Kindness: what is kindness - ways to show; what to say; caring for others; kindness challenge; generosity; Bucket Filling.
  7. Respect: what is respect? Ways to show respect, honesty, gratitude, & acceptance.
  8. Responsibility: responsibility; peaceful problem solving; goal setting; anti-bullying.

Engaging and Meaningful SEL Activities are included in EVERY UNIT!

  • Discussion Starters cards
  • Interactive anchor charts and bulletin board materials
  • Posters
  • Sorting activities
  • Boardgame, card game, and matching game
  • Interactive tools, such as a calm down kit and feelings clip chart
  • Storybooks
  • Craftivities
  • Journals
  • & more!

What units are included in the mind+heart SEL 3-5 curriculum?

  1. Self Awareness: identifying and communicating emotions; personality traits & personal strengths; role models.
  2. Self-Management: self-regulation; mindfulness; handling difficult things; personal safety; impulse control.
  3. Growth Mindset: fixed vs. growth mindset; the brain; self-efficacy & perseverance; goal setting.
  4. Relationships: teacher-student relationships; communication skills; making and keeping friends; collaboration and teamwork.
  5. Social Awareness: empathy; social cues & expectations; peer pressure; conflict resolution; anti-bullying.
  6. Kindness: gratitude; generosity & giving; bucket filler system; random acts of kindness & projects.
  7. Respect: integrity & honesty; appreciating differences; stereotyping.
  8. Responsibility: decision making; identifying responsibilities; leadership.

Engaging and Meaningful Activities are included in EVERY UNIT!

  • Thought Starters and Challenges
  • Anchor Chart Discussions & brainstorming activities
  • Posters
  • Card, board, and other games
  • Role Play activities & scenario cards
  • Sorting activities
  • Reflection journals
  • Calm Down Kit
  • Brain breaks, yoga poses, & breathing strategies
  • Mentor texts & writing activities
  • Kindness Calendars
  • Banners
  • Bulletin board kits
  • Coloring posters
  • Group and solo project ideas and templates
  • Surveys and student self-assessments
  • & so much more!

PLUS A BONUS: Family Partnership Guides (For every unit)!

The best part? Connect with and encourage families to participate in their child's social-emotional learning development and the concepts you teach at school. Each unit includes a printable guide with a letter to families, strategies and activities they can try at home, and a book guide with video links.

Want to learn more about the mind+heart curriculum? Read this blog post about the features included in this curriculum, q&a, and other important details.


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mrs. G. says, "I cannot even begin to explain how relieved I am to have found this resource. I have used recommended published SEL curriculums such as Second Step and they have not even begun to address the needs of my students. (I am a general ed, first grade teacher, in a diverse title 1 school with a high population of ELLs... the needs of my students go beyond the average- ADHD, anxiety, PTSD, abuse, autism, etc.). I started off with "Self-Regulation" and it was perfect! Thank you so much! I bought this with my own money, without my principal's consent, but once I started using it, and showed her how my students were using the language, vocabulary, and responding to the curriculum, she reimbursed me! Thank you so much. I am recommending it to all my fellow teachers and I hope they purchase it as well!"

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Kaitlyn J. says, "Not even joking! Get this bundle. This is the best purchase I've gotten on TPT! I love love love and will push and support and demand that schools have SEL in their schedule. It's so important! Every lesson my students have enjoyed AND I hear them using words like responsible, perseverance, and YET all the time."

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Danielle E. says, "This bundle has been a true life saver when it comes to Social Emotional Learning in my classroom. My district does not have an SEL curriculum so I've been using this resource this year. I love how everything is organized and allows teachers to just print and go. I love all of the book recommendations and the activities that go along with the lessons. I looked at a lot of different SEL curriculums and I'm glad I chose this one. Thank you for such an awesome resource!"

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